Water is essential, if you can't find water, then you are going to struggle to maintain your property. If you are located away from the mains water supply, then the easiest way to get the water you need is by boring for water on your property. The problem with creating a bore hole is that you must know what you are doing. You can't simply create a hole and hope you are in the right place.
You will need the help of a professional boring contractor, and hiring someone like that can be a little intimidating unless you know the right questions to ask. The perfect boring contractor for your project will be one who has the right mix of skills and experience for the job to find out if any prospective contractor is right for you here are a few of the questions you will need them to answer.
Do you have sufficient experience?
Boring for water requires skill. Any contractor you pick must be properly qualified and have sufficient experience to complete the drilling operation to a high standard. You will need to ensure that your contractor and any staff they employ have all the qualifications and experience they need, including the required tickets to run the drilling rig and conduct any operations that will take place on your site.
Do they possess all the equipment and materials they will need?
Having the right team assembled is great but your boring operation isn't going to work out if your team don't own the right boring equipment, or at least have access to the needed equipment throughout the duration of the boring operation. Ask questions and find out whether the contractor is confident that their equipment will be available and able to cope with the conditions on your site. You should ask similar questions about the materials they will be using to create the bore hole. Your bore hole will need to survive for years so make sure your team will use only the best materials for your location and environment.
Do they have the right local knowledge?
Has the contractor obtained a survey of wells which already exist in your area? What does he know about your neighbours drilling success rates and average yields? Is he familiar with which aquifers have been successfully tapped? Knowing how and where your neighbours are drilling is a vital part of successfully finding water on your own property. Without the right local knowledge your own boring efforts will be much less likely to succeed.
Talk to your boring contractor and make sure they are perfect for your boring job.