Three steps you will need to take in order to safely transport an excavator from one construction site to another

There are a number of precautionary steps that you will need to take before attempting to transport an excavator from one construction site to another. Read on to find out what these steps are.

Check that the fuel tank is empty

Before you begin to load the excavator onto the trailer, it is important to make sure that the equipment's fuel tank is empty.

The reason for this is as follows; if you end up being involved in a road accident during the process of transporting the equipment to the new building site, there is a chance that the excavator could topple onto the road.

This could potentially result in its fuel tank being damaged. If this should happen, any fuel inside it could spill out and catch on fire it if then comes into contact with a source of ignition. This could make the road collision considerably more treacherous for you and any other drivers that are involved.

Whilst this situation is unlikely to occur if you are a cautious driver, it is best to err on the side of caution. If the tank is not empty before loading, switch on the excavator to use up the remaining fuel before you proceed with the loading process.

Make sure the trailer you hire can withstand the excavator's weight

Most excavators are extremely heavy. Before you arrange to rent a trailer from your local trailer hire company, it is crucial to find out the exact weight of your excavator model (this information can usually be found in the equipment's operating manual) and to ensure that the trailer you choose to rent is able to withstand your equipment's weight.

This is important, as using a trailer which is only designed to hold lightweight items to transport the excavator could lead to the trailer breaking apart or collapsing midway through your road journey. If this should happen, the excavator could come loose and fall onto the road. This could result in a serious accident which could lead to multiple injuries.

Do not attempt to drive in poor weather conditions

If possible, you should avoid transporting the excavator during a period of bad weather. Snow, ice and heavy rain can reduce traction and increase the likelihood of your vehicle or the trailer you have hired spinning out of control.

Whilst a reduction in traction might not be particularly dangerous if you are driving a compact vehicle, it could prove fatal when you are transporting an extremely heavy, bulky piece of construction equipment. 
